Thank you for subscribing to my comic, Tuco! And this work of yours is great. To be frank, I’m not into horror but Dario was a master- and this artwork would’ve been perfect as a poster. (Would love to see you tackle Valley of the Dolls!)

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Thank you so much! :)) really! :)) I've miss this movie, I have to see it!

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My God, I love SUspiria! It i without question one of my favorite films of all time: the garish colors, the horrifying deaths, and that haunting fairytale soundtrack that goes from tinkling and bewitching to wild and pumping in only a few bars. Absolutely phenomenal film!

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Yes, for me, too! It had a catastrophic effect on my colors; it influenced me far more than any comic artist or illustrator... pheraps because I was young when I saw "Suspiria" for the first time, but since then I have shocked and "tortured" colors!:) ...and story too, of course! Happy to share this!

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